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Club News

SSWSC Supports U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Reform Legislation

We want to share some very exciting news and offer tremendous gratitude to Eric Washburn, SSWSC Foundation Board Member and club dad, and to Billy Demong, SSWSC alum, five-time Olympic athlete and Olympic gold medalist, both of whom have worked tirelessly to get to this important step which occurred this past Tuesday.

The U.S. Senate passed U.S. Olympic and Paralympic reform legislation. This has been a multi-year process, and is an important step in the process of achieving meaningful long-term reform to prevent sexual abuse of Olympic athletes and to dramatically improve funding for elite athletes as well as the pipeline for athlete development, which is exemplified by clubs like SSWSC. Eric and Billy are now working hard to pass this bill in the House of Representatives, which is expected to happen in the next two months.

Once this bill is signed into law, a commission will be set up to make further recommendations for reform. The team of Eric and Billy are working to ensure that at least one or two commissioners will be champions for new financial mechanisms to collectively bring over $1 billion per year to support Olympic, Paralympic and aspiring elite athletes, such as a national sports lottery.

The SSWSC has been involved and will be supporting this important effort in the days to come. Thank you Eric and Billy for your work on behalf of our SSWSC athletes and all US athletes.