Youth Development Youth Development Youth Development Youth Development

Ride The Bus

Ride the SSWSC Bus

Ride the SSWSC Bus

SSWSC is offering bus transportation for SSWSC athletes from Steamboat Springs public schools to Howelsen Hill through a generous grant from the Lennox Foundation and with the guidance and support of George and Barbara Eidsness, Transwest Truck Trailer RV.


We still have spots. Enroll NOW. Athletes must be registered to ride the bus. REGISTER HERE.

The SSWSC bus will be in the front of the line at Strawberry Park campus ready, and we are excited for your athlete’s arrival. We have made a few changes to the route to streamline the process. Sleeping Giant School and Soda Creek Elementary athletes will ride a separate bus to Strawberry Park Elementary/Steamboat Springs Middle School and then transfer to the SSWSC bus. If your athlete misses the SSWSC bus, they will need to call a parent from the school office to get a ride.

  • Bus Passes - Bus passes are printed and ready to be picked up. Kids will be able to pick up their bus pass on the bus for the first week. After that, we will have them at the SSWSC front office. Bus passes should be attached and visible to school backpacks. Bus Driver Brooksie will also have a list for each day of the week.
  • Rider’s Agreement – Parents, please take the time to read this agreement and discuss it with your athlete.
  • Boot/Clothing Bags – Kids can bring their dryland/boot bags to school. Each principal has agreed to make space for extra gear. This does NOT include skis or snowboards…only boots, helmets, and snow clothes.
  • Skis/Snowboards – When it gets to be that time of year, SSWSC will have a ski rack at Howelsen Hill to collect bus riders’ skis or snowboards. Parents will need to drop off their athlete’s equipment daily. No overnight storage is allowed.


  • Transportation from Strawberry Park Campus to Howelsen Hill.
  • Sleeping Giant School students will take bus #15 from school and transfer at Strawberry Park Campus to Big Blue.
  • Soda Creek students will take bus #8 or #24 from school and transfer at Strawberry Park Campus to Big Blue.
  • To ride the SSWSC bus, athletes must be registered for each day they plan to ride the bus. 
  • Available to athletes registered for SSWSC programs, 1st through 8th grades, on their scheduled training days. Athletes must be able to keep track of their gear, clothes, and backpacks and be able to get dressed themselves.
  • Athletes will be allowed to bring boot bags and backpacks to school and store in a school-designated location.
  • Families may drop off skis, snowboards, or other equipment at the ski racks at the base of Howelsen Hill.


September 14: All SSWSC registered athletes.

BUS DATES: Monday - Friday, October 7, 2024 - March 28, 2025

COST: $100 for the season, for each day of the week purchased. 
A bus pass must be purchased for each day of the week an athlete intends to ride the bus. Bus passes may only be purchased for athlete’s scheduled training days and are non-transferable and non-refundable (subject to SSWSC refund policy).

For example, if an athlete is registered for a program that has training on Tuesdays and Thursdays and intends to ride the bus both days, then they would buy a pass for Tuesdays, $100 for the season, and Thursdays, $100 for the season, $200 total for the season if they ride the bus both days.


EZ Scholarship Families (with a 2023 adjusted gross income of $125,000 or less): EZ Scholarship families with a 2023 adjusted gross income (AGI) of $125,000 or less qualify for discounted bus passes. 50% off for families with an AGI of $125,000-$75,000, $50 for the season for each day of the week purchased. 75% off for families with an AGI of $75,000 and below, $25 for the season for each of the week purchased.

Winter Program Fee Scholarships: Additional scholarship opportunities may be available through the SSWSC Winter Program Fee Scholarship.

Multi-Member Families: Families with multiple athletes in SSWSC programs who do not qualify for the EZ Scholarship bus discount (AGI of $125,000 or less) are eligible for a multi-member family discount. Families with two or more athletes qualify for a 50% discount for the second and subsequent siblings. The discount will be applied to the athlete(s) with the fewest bus days.

Need more information?
Read the Frequently Asked Questions below or call, 970-879-0695 or email the SSWSC office, or contact any SSWSC program director with questions.



Frequently Asked Questions:

Is SSWSC offering transportation from schools to Howelsen Hill?

SSWSC is offering bus transportation to SSWSC athletes from Soda Creek Elementary and the Strawberry Park Campus (elementary and middle school) to Howelsen Hill for the 2024-2025 winter season. Sleeping Giant students take the school district bus and transfer at Strawberry Park Campus to the SSWSC Bus. The bus has 75 seats.

When does the SSWSC bus service start?

SSWSC will offer bus service from Soda Creek Elementary and the Strawberry Park Campus, with a connection from Sleeping Giant Monday - Friday, October 7, 2024 - March 28, 2025.

Who is eligible to ride the SSWSC bus?

Elementary and middle school athletes, 1st through 8th grades, registered for SSWSC programs on their scheduled training days. Junior coaches may also ride the bus for the same fees on their coaching days. Athletes must be able to keep track of their gear, clothes, and backpacks and get dressed themselves.

Will there be a fee to ride the SSWSC bus?

SSWSC will offer bus passes for each day of the week, Monday-Friday. The cost is $100 for the season, for each day of the week purchased. A bus pass must be purchased for each day of the week an athlete intends to ride the bus. Bus passes may only be purchased for athlete’s scheduled training days and are non-transferable and non-refundable (subject to SSWSC refund policy).  For example, if an athlete participates in a program that has training on Tuesdays and Thursdays and intends to ride the bus both days, then they would buy a pass for Tuesdays, $100 for the season, and/or Thursdays, $100 for the season, $200 total for the season if they ride the bus both days.

Are there discounts or scholarships available to ride the bus?

Discounted bus passes are available to families who qualify for the SSWSC EZ Scholarship Program categories based on adjusted gross income of $125,000 or less. A 50% discount will be offered to families with an income of $125,000-$75,000, so the bus pass will cost $50 per day of the week. A 75% discount will be offered to families with an income of $75,000 and below, so the bus pass will cost $25 per day of the week. More information on SSWSC scholarships can be found on the SSWSC website or please call the the SSWSC office.

Will there be discounts for multiple family members?

Multi-athlete discounts are available for families who do not qualify for the EZ Scholarship bus discount (AGI of $125,000 or less). Families with two athletes will qualify for a 50% discount for the second and subsequent siblings. The discount will be applied to the athlete with the fewest bus days.

How do families sign up for the SSWSC bus?

To sign up for SSWSC bus passes, log in to the SSWSC registration platform, the same registration login and platform used to register for SSWSC programs. The link can be found at Registration will be open mid-September.

Can I prorate my athlete’s bus pass price? 

The purchase price of the bus pass is the same regardless of when an athlete’s program begins or ends, or if an athlete decides not to ride the bus some of the time. SSWSC will not prorate the bus pass cost for unused days.

What is the refund policy for bus passes?

The refund policy for the bus is the same as for SSWSC programs. SSWSC makes our commitments to partners, coaches, and staff based on program enrollments in the summer and fall. These expenses are not reduced by a participant’s withdrawal during the season. As such, there are no refunds in the case of voluntary withdrawals or absences during the season or in any case where the athlete is suspended from the program. SSWSC bus pass refunds shall be considered in the event of an injury only whereby the athlete is unable to participate in any level of programming for a period greater than four weeks. Refund requests must be made by the athlete/family in writing to the SSWSC Office Manager ([email protected]). Requests must be made in a timely manner and will not be considered if received after March 31. If a refund is approved, it will be pro-rated based on the amount of time the athlete could not ride the bus. Refunds are calculated based on a predefined formula for each program.

Will there be a waitlist if the bus fills up?

There are 75 seats on the bus. There will be a waitlist for the bus pass days that fill up. There are no guarantees that spots will open before the start of service on October 9, 2023.

Why is SSWSC offering transportation to Howelsen Hill?

SSWSC is offering after-school transportation to SSWSC athletes to Howelsen Hill to support and increase accessibility to programs for athletes with working parents and reduce traffic around town and traffic and parking at Howelsen Hill.

Why is bus registration open early for EZ Scholarship athletes? 

We are only opening registration early to EZ Scholarship athletes and families with a 2023 adjusted gross income of $125,000 or less. A core goal of the SSWSC bus program is to make SSWSC programs more accessible to families who have two parents working in jobs that don’t provide the flexibility to pick their kids up from school, and we know this is the case for many SSWSC families that qualify for EZ Scholarship with adjusted gross income of $125,000 or less. The SSWSC bus has many seats available beyond those in this group.

Will families be allowed to drop gear at Howelsen Hill?

Parents and caregivers will be allowed to drop off ski boot bags and backpacks daily in the SSWSC locker room on the first floor of Howelsen Lodge between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Bags dropped off before this time can be dropped off outside, and SSWSC staff will bring bags inside. All bags must be clearly and prominently labeled. Drop locations outside at Howelsen Hill and inside are safe but not secured. Skis and snowboards should be placed on assigned racks outside of Howelsen Lodge. There will be no overnight storage of bags or skis and snowboards available; bags, skis, and snowboards must be picked up daily with the athletes.

How did SSWSC pay for the bus?

The SSWSC bus is a result of a generous grant from the Lennox Foundation and with the guidance and support of George and Barbara Eidsness of Transwest.

Can an athlete with a bus pass ride the bus on any day if there is room?

Athletes will only be allowed to ride the bus for the days they purchase a pass. However, if the athlete’s program ends before the end of the bus season, athletes can ride to Howelsen on their scheduled day.

Can I loan my bus pass to someone else if I’m not there?

The SSWSC bus passes are non-transferrable and are for the athlete who purchased the pass only. Each athlete must have their own bus pass.

Is ski and snowboard gear allowed on the bus?

The athletes cannot bring their ski or snowboard equipment to school. Gear must be dropped off at Howelsen Hill before the training session. However, we are working with the schools to get permission for athletes to bring an extra backpack to school if needed.

Will the bus be used for other purposes?

Instead of contracting another bus service this year, the SSWSC bus will be used to transfer our U6 athletes from the Strings Music Festival parking lot to the base area. This will be at no cost to families,it is to help supplement the Steamboat Resort transportation to the Gondola Transit Center.

What time will the bus arrive at Howelsen?

The bus is scheduled to arrive at 3:45.

Will there be supervision on the bus?

Supervision will be provided on the bus in addition to the bus driver by SSWSC staff or a parent volunteer who will monitor attendance and behavior. Athletes and families will be required to review and sign the behavior policy (link here) before riding the bus.