Parent and Athlete Resources

Injured Athlete Return-to-Snow Program

Injured Athlete Return-to-Snow Program

SSWSC and Steamboat Orthopaedic & Spine Institute (SOSI) Injured Athlete Program is an essential program that helps coordinate the medical care and rehabilitation necessary when an athlete is injured. From the moment an athlete is injured through their return to competition, the support provided by the SSWSC and SOSI allows the athlete to get back on snow prepared to succeed. This program helps athletes and families navigate the many questions and uncertainties that come with injuries and how best to return to sport. The purpose of the injured athlete program is to manage the care of injured athletes, keep them involved with their team and club during their recovery, and return them to on-snow activities when they are ready.

The injured athlete program has proven to be a valuable resource to our coaches, athletes, and their families. SSWSC partners with Steamboat Orthopaedic and Spine Institute (SOSI), who provides an Athletic Trainer, Tyler Shear, to the SSWSC as medical coordinator. Tyler’s primary role is coordinating communication and care between coaches, athletes, parents, physicians, physical therapists, and other care stakeholders to ensure that all injured athletes in SSWSC receive an enhanced level of support to guide them through injury and back onto snow. Tyler is a resource for all injured athletes, their families, and their coaches to guide them through their recovery, regardless of the family’s choice of medical providers. Tyler can provide an initial assessment for non-emergent injuries but does not provide therapy treatments. He uses his experience to coordinate and guide communication and the delivery of care.

The injured athlete program is provided to all athletes in all high school-age competitive programs. When an athlete is injured, there are several steps to support the athlete:

STEP 1: Activate Healthy Roster

The first step in the Injured Athlete Program is to activate the Healthy Roster platform. Healthy Roster is a communication tool SSWSC uses to appropriately, clearly, and efficiently coordinate and communicate about injured athlete status and progress between the physician, PT, medical coordinator, sport coach, sports performance coach, athlete, and parent. The athlete or athlete’s parents may invite other caregivers as appropriate.

Instructions on Accessing Healthy Roster App


STEP 2: Engage Total Care Circle

A total care circle call is scheduled to understand the injury and to define roles and expectations of the program. The goal of the meeting is to provide an overview of the injured athlete support provided by the club and understand the family and athlete’s plan moving forward.

Members of the athlete care circle may include:

  • SSWSC Medical Coordinator - Tyler Shear
  • Primary SSWSC Coach
  • Sport Program Director
  • Director of Sports Performance - Sady Carelli
  • Athletic Director - Dave Stewart
  • Athlete
  • Parent
  • SSWSC Mindset Performance Coach - Luke Brosterhous
  • Surgeon, PT, as appropriate

On these calls, several things may be discussed:

  • What is the athlete and family’s plan for surgery, recovery, rehab, PT?
  • Will the athlete be using local medical providers or elsewhere?
  • Does the athlete plan to continue to pursue the sport post-injury?
  • What are the athlete’s short and long-term goals in the sport?
  • What is the anticipated timeline for return to on-snow (based on best-practices)?
  • Anticipated timeline for competition?
  • Has the athlete had a season-ending or significant injury before?
  • What concerns/questions does the family have?


STEP 3: Mindset Performance Training

Athletes consult with Mindset Performance Coach Luke Brosterhous to introduce the athlete to the Mindset Performance Program and understand their individual concerns and needs. Weekly opportunity to touch base with Luke during injured athlete training times.

STEP 4: Injured Athlete Training Sessions

Training sessions are once per week in the fall and winter with a check in with Tyler, Luke, Sady, Sport Coach, Director. At these sessions, pre-programmed training appropriate for the athlete’s limitations will be available with coaching from Sports Performance Staff. UC Health Sports Medicine physical therapists are always available for consultation during this session. In addition to the weekly injured athlete training, integrating athletes back with their team training is a priority. Training will be modified with the team session based on their individual limitations as established and communicated by their physician, PT, and Tyler. These sessions provide a monitored and safe gradual ramp of activity to return to sport. Personal training programs will not be created.

STEP 5: Return to Snow

When appropriate, return-to-snow progression will follow established best practices from U.S. Ski and Snowboard. SSWSC will provide education and progressions for the athlete. Availability of individualized return to snow coaching will depend on the specific capacity of each program and is not guaranteed.

Program Refunds and Credits

When an athlete in a full-time competitive program is injured and is expected to be unable to return to snow for the remainder of the season, they are eligible for a partial program refund as described in the SSWSC refund policy in the SSWSC Member Handbook, but they remain enrolled as a participant in the Injured Athlete Return-to-Snow program.

If an athlete is injured coming into the season, the athlete is expected to enroll in the program at the start of the season, but they will be eligible for a program fee refund or credit based on the time they are expecting to be unable to train fully with their group. The athlete will then continue training with their SSWSC team and working with the athlete care circle as a participant in the Injured Athlete Return-to-Snow program. A modified program price will be established based on the expected return-to-training date, and the family will start making payments. Once the athlete returns to full training, if their return date varies significantly from the projected date, the program fee will be adjusted accordingly.

If an athlete is injured in season, and is unable to fully participate in programming for more than one month, they may be eligible for a partial refund based on the length of the time off-snow. Throughout the period of recovery the athlete remains enrolled in the Injured Athlete Return-to-Snow program.

Questions about this program?
Email Sady Carelli, Director of Sports Performance