Cross Country Athlete Tristan Thrasher Earns Junior World Cup Biathlon Start

SSWSC cross country athlete Tristan Thrasher is headed to Europe to compete in the Junior World Cup Biathlon. Tristan’s results from Junior Nationals and International Team Trials at Soldier Hollow Nordic Center December 28-31 earned him the spot.
The top 62 youth and junior biathletes in the country competed for multiple days at the Olympic venue in Utah for the trials. The first race was a 7.5Ksprint with two rounds of shooting where he placed 8th overall and 5th in the men’s category and credits the results in part to his training with the SSWSC cross country team. On the second day in the 12K mass start he received a two-minute penalty so despite having missed only one target he placed 11th. In the third race, Tristan had a great start with his skiing and he did well on his first shooting round but in the second stage missed a few rounds placing him 11th.
Tristan’s first Junior World Cup races will take place in Jakuszyce, Poland, January 16-19.