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Club News

Athlete News, March 2, 2018


The SSWSC Snowboarding Team had another impressive weekend of competitions. Athletes competed in halfpipe on 2/24 and Slopestyle on 2/25 at Breckenridge. For any further details please feel to respond back to this email.

Halfpipe 2/24
Snowboard Grommet Girls
Rochelle Weinberg 1st

Snowboard Breaker Boys
Elias Christian 7th

Snowboard Youth Men
Jake Suchowski 1st
Marty Boyd 4th
Forrest Christian 5th

Snowboard Youth Women
Meredith Connor 1st

Slopestyle 2/25
Snowboard Grommet Girls
Rochelle Weinberg 1st

Snowboard Menehune Boys
Kai Jensen 17th

Snowboard Breaker Boys
Elias Christian 4th
Jackie Clemente 16th

Snowboard Youth Men
Marty Boyd 1st
Forrest Christian 10th
Jake Suchowski 13th


Third stop on the Nor-Am Tour in Calgary, Alberta Canada this week. This is by no means an easy course as it replicates a similar pitch to the ski jumps at Calgary Olympic Park. THis venue is a stop on the FIS World Cup Tour every year and is defiantly the most difficult course on the Nor-Am Tour.

The team didn’t let that stop them as all athletes competed well and achieved a personal best result in either Singles and/Or Duals.

Single Results
Avital Shimko 1st Place **
Trudy Mickel 9th Place **
Spencer Belsky 52nd

Dual Results
Avital Shimko 3rd Place **
Trudy Mickel 7th Place **
Spencer Belsky 18th Place **
**Denotes personal

A special mention to Trudy Mickel who not only achieved personal best results in both Single and Dual mogul events for the season, but she also continued to improve her runs throughout the week to perform her best runs for the seaso and this was all after a little hiccup on the bottom air in training which meant her training was cut short for the event.

Current Nor-Am Cup Standings
1st Place Avital Shimko
7th Place Trudy Mickel
38th Kenzie Radway

39th Landon Wendler
46th Spencer Belsky
59th Wyatt Antkiewicz

All SSWSC 6 athletes are competing in Nor-Am Cup Finals this weekend in Park City Utah for the last Nor-Am of the year.